To integrate with E-conomic, follow these steps:
Navigate to Integrations and Accounting.
Click on +Create and select the Connection that you have previously set up under connections. Please note that you can only select a connection that has already been created.
Next, you need to create an Accounting Store for E-conomic. If you have more than one location, an Accounting Store must be set up for each.
Journal: This is where information from E-conomic will be stored. By default, this is always set to Daily.
Default Product Account: This is where information about sold products will be stored. Typically, this is set to 1001/1011/1010. If you want to use a different setting, you'll need to specify it.
Vat Transfer: This determines whether 25% Vat should be deducted or if it should first go to separate accounts. Most often, ''Set Vat Code'' is used here.
Unpaid invoices: This determines whether unpaid invoices should be part of the transfer to E-conomic.
Location: This is the location that this setup belongs to.
After setting these options, click on the name of the location.
Under Exported Trading days, you can see which trading days have already been exported to E-conomic as the setup is brand new then no transfers would had been made..
To make a new transfer to E-conomic, click on +Create and use the same dates as Trading days under finances. By using the same dates, the system knows what information needs to be sent. If you don't use the same days as Trading days, no data will be transferred.
Account Mappings. This is where you specify what kind of data should be inserted into which account at E-conomic.
Typically, the setup should look like this. However, you can choose to have income outcome into other Dinero accounts if you prefer.
You can also change the account where sold products are entered via Edit. This is most often set to 1001/1011/1010 Revenue.
Once you've completed these steps, your setup for E-conomic is complete. When you select "Settlements and close day" on your terminal, a Success export will be visible under Exported Trading days.