When you have registered all control units, you also need to register your cash registers, which you do by going back one step and pressing "Register new cash register".
You will then be greeted by the following page.
Here, you first get to select the associated control unit for the cash register that you previously created.
Select designation/model
Enter the Manufacturing Number (which you found in the Loomis portal earlier in step 1). A manufacturing number usually looks like the following; 9999-12341234
Fill in the address where the checkout is physically located and where the sale takes place.
(the field is pre-filled with the address of the cash register). You can tick the Software's address to "Same address as the cash register" as it is at the same address as the sale takes place.
Continue to Control Strip or Journal Memory, where you check Journal Memory.
Regarding the address where the journal is created, you can also tick "Same address as the cash register"
After following these steps, the completed cash register page should look like this:
Finish by clicking Next and then you will have the opportunity to review and submit your information. Be sure to double check that these are correct before sending them off.